[Via hackaday]
Can you imagine how dirty it would get? *shudders*
I guess that would open up a market for replaceable "skins" that users can spend their much needed money on.
Posted at 11:22AM on Aug 25th 2006 by idiot [ ]
How is this any different than just putting a regular optical mouse in a big sock?
Posted at 11:27AM on Aug 25th 2006 by Leif [ ]
These things just better lay off my Quatrotriticale.
And my sandwich and coffee!
Posted at 11:30AM on Aug 25th 2006 by strider_mt2k [ ]
Leif, that's the whole point. Watch the video. Again. They tell you how to make one.
Posted at 11:32AM on Aug 25th 2006 by Isaac [ ]
Did anyone watch the entire video? It shows you how you can make your own right now.
Posted at 11:33AM on Aug 25th 2006 by Eagle117 [ ]
So simple, but ingenious!
hope to see something similar in store. The only drawback is the mouse
seems to have only 1 button, and no functionnal mouse-wheel (the mouse
wheel act as the only clickable button).
But that's a very good
beginning. Finally a mouse which do not require a desk. I loved the way
it can be used in Windows Media Center, very precise and efficient.
Looks like Tribble Trouble!
Posted at 12:08PM on Aug 25th 2006 by Jim [ ]
Didn't you just run a report about how MS was working on a new FPS controller for 360?
Posted at 12:32PM on Aug 25th 2006 by Rob [ ]
"Can you imagine how dirty it would get? *shudders*"
It's soap, it's self-cleaning. :)
Posted at 12:38PM on Aug 25th 2006 by Peter [ ]
now if only you can stick a wii remote in the soap it would be awsomemo!!!!!!
Posted at 1:16PM on Aug 25th 2006 by redpill [ ]
What happens if you drop the Soap?
Posted at 1:50PM on Aug 25th 2006 by Mike [ ]
Wow Vista is delayed because they have been busy putting mice in socks :-p
Posted at 4:14PM on Aug 25th 2006 by ramond [ ]
it is a fake. watch it again. the guy switched device with some fur ball. look closely.
and did the video show the receiving device and the code that handles the motion? nope.
so fake.
Posted at 1:44PM on Aug 25th 2006 by king [ ]
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thats awesome. I want one now.
Posted at 11:13AM on Aug 25th 2006 by noobs [ ]